
Last night’s harvest. If you are just now tuning in to station comealive (which reminds me that I need to go use my voucher and get us a durn digital converter box thingy), we are trying to grow a few veggies on our porch. I’m not sure that cucumbers are supposed to look like this:

It tasted perfect though. Those readers that were here for Monday night dinner… you didn’t even suspect that your delicious cucumber salad originally looked this odd.

Our squash plant squished out a few of these before completely drying up on us. Most of the leaves turned spotted and nary a vegetable fetus to be found.

But as you can tell, our tomato plant is awesome. There are about 10 more that will be ready to come off in a few days. Our bell pepper plant is doing great too. Lots of great looking, healthy peppers are ready to be picked whenever we need them.

And our CSA bag that we pick up each Tuesday is getting heavier and heavier. This was last week’s produce:

This week’s included squash, zuccini, corn!, jalapenos, and garlic. We often don’t get to use everything that we get before the next week is here.

AuthorBeth Ables